Posted on: May 30, 2020
Rice Bowl Collection
The Rice Bowls that you have faithfully donated to during this past Lent will be collected on the weekend of June 13 and 14, Corpus Christi Sunday.
Please do not return your contribution in the Rice Bowl box!
Place your donation in an envelope marked Rice Bowl and your name with cash (no coin) or check made out to St. Matthew Parish. This is important for the safety of those responsible for reconciling this collection. There will be a separate location in church for you to drop off your Rice Bowl donation. Thanks for your generosity!
Posted on: February 8, 2020
Welcome New Parishioners!
Bill & Bonnie Leone
of Grosse Pointe Woods
Mike & Jane Ellis
of Grosse Pointe Farms
We hope you find your spiritual home here!
Posted on: January 18, 2020
Financial Report July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 & 2019 CSA Report
Budget/27 Weeks: @ $2,442 (rounded) $65,000.00
Actual/27 Weeks: $65,999.03
Online Giving / 27 Weeks: $10,420.00
Total Actual 27 Weeks: $76,419.03
Overage / Shortfall: $10,476.66
Average Collection Sunday: $2,830.34
Average % of Budget / Sunday: 115.89%
Average % over (under) / Sunday: 15.89%
Debt Reduction Envelope / 27 Weeks: $1,473.00
Online Debt Reduction Giving: $300.00
Total Debt Reduction Giving: $1,773.00
NET OVERAGE FOR 27 WEEKS: $12,249.66
CSA AoD Goal: $16,069.00
Total Pledged: $63,283.00
Total Paid (January 14,2020) $58,356.34
Pledge Balance: $4,926.66
Refund Anticipated: $47,214.00
Refund Issued: $28,469.00
Refund Due: $13,818.34
Average Pledge: $570.12
Parish Families: 216
Pledges Made: 111
Pledges Fully Paid: 84
Pledges Outstanding: 27
Posted on: December 14, 2019
2019 Gold'n Harvest Winners
2019 Gold'n Harvest 50/50 Raffle Announcing the Winners
The Gold'n Harvest 50/50 Raffle Drawing was held last Sunday, December 8th; it was a great success with friends and families again putting forth an extra-ordinary effort. The gross proceeds totaled $29,760, not including $300 in donations.
The amount of $29,760 was divided: with the amount of $14,880 being awarded to the parish, and balance divided among the winners. Three winners were awarded their prizes in accordance with the rules of the State of Michigan Charitable Gaming Commission. We congratulate these lucky winners!
- 1st Prize: $8,928 to Gary Schaff, member of the Wilk family
- 2nd Prize: $4,166.40 to Elenita Juco, parishioner
- 3rd Prize: $1,785.60 to Christina Ridella, parishioner
- Sellers' Drawing Winner: $200 to John Toth, parishioner
Thanks to the generosity of parish members, friends, and businesses who donated consolation prizes so many others could also be winners.
Thanks also to Co-chair, Bill Zuerblis, Debbie and Joe Nieddu, Jennifer Khalifah, and John and Liz Dunstone for collecting returns and assigning additional tickets at the weekend Masses. Thanks to Joe and Debbie Nieddu for manning the breakfast ticket table and handling the hungry crowd.
Majestic Cafe provided the breakfast that was enjoyed by all. Jennifer Khalifah pitched in again to help with the beverage service. The church auditorium was transformed into a welcoming space for the event by Tim and Karen Fitzgerald and Beverly Goll. We especially appreciate Tim Duffy who provided the sound system for us again this year as well. Of course, we cannot forget those of you who bought or sold the 50/50 Gold'n Harvest Raffle tickets. Your efforts truly made this fundraiser a success!
Posted on: November 9, 2019
Congratulations Marella Piazza!
The National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATSJ held their Michigan Chapter Auditions at Hope College on November 2, 2019.
Marella was awarded "1st Place" in the Upper High School Classical Music category. Marella also received a "Special Award" in honor of her performance of "Liebst du um Schoenheit" by Clara Schumann.
Marella, your parish family is proud of you accomplishments and wishes every good thing for you in your future. God bless you!
Posted on: October 12, 2019
Stewardship Sunday Report FY18-19
Please see our FY18-19 stewardship report below. Thank you for your continued support!
Posted on: October 12, 2019
Gold'n Harvest Raffle Kickoff!
2019 Gold'n Harvest Raffle
Your tickets are in the mail along with a letter of instruction, and you should be receiving them soon. This is a very important fundraiser for our parish; and in view of the recent loss of property and damage to our church building, participation is more important than ever as we try to "restore and secure" our St. Matthew Church.
Please contact your family, friends, and neighbors to sell tickets. Flyers will be available soon for you to take to businesses for display in their stores.
Our drawing this year is on Sunday, December 8, following the 10 a.m. Mass. There will be a catered breakfast provided by the Majestic Cafe'.
Mark your calendars!
Posted on: September 21, 2019
Congratulations Fr. Duane!
"a man wonders if he ever really chose this life, if he even knew enough at the time of his entrance into the seminary, or of his ordination to be able freely to choose this life. The fundamental truth is not that we have well or poorly, enlightened or unenlightened, chose Christ in this life. The fundamental truth is that He has chose us."
Archbishop Roger Mahoney Archbishop of Los Angeles
As I look back on 40 years of ordination, the words of Archbishop Mahoney ring true. I wonder how it all came to be?
Priesthood has certainly offered me opportunities great and small. To stand before hundreds of people and speak words of truth and mission is a responsibility and a privilege. To be invited into people's lives at intimate moments like birth and death, to hold bread and wine that becomes the Body and Blood of Christ, to say your sins are forgiven, these are not just life moments, these are encounters with Christ that priesthood offers in a unique way.
A priest looks into his soul and is humbled. He is neither a businessman nor a man with a craft. He is called to be everything when he is needed and often ignored when not. He is called to be an artist releasing in people's spirits the beauty of the Most High Priest. He is asked to give good homilies yet he is not an entertainer.
Who could have imagined, as Archbishop Mahoney said, what would be asked of him the day he entered the seminary or the day of his ordination. Who could ever know fully the direction in which God would take him? No one! For that reason, priesthood is a mystery tied to the mystery of Christ the High Priest.
I did not fully realize what my life would be 40 years ago, but I don't regret a moment. I know now that I did not choose this, it truly was Christ who chose me. Today, I give thanks to God for that calling. So many times, I have felt in the midst of ministry to people, that I have been ministered to as well. That is when I know Christ is by my side with me in the Father's work.
For the past 40 years as a priest and the 30 years that I have been pastor at St. Matthew's, I want to thank you for your support and love, and now I ask you to pray for me as I give thanks to God for having chosen me.
With gratitude, Father Duane
Fr. Duane's Journey
Posted on: September 14, 2019
Rest in Peace - Anna Rita Moroni & Nathan Harrington
Nathan Harrington
Son of Peter & Janet Harrington
Anna Rita Moroni
Friend and Longtime Parishioner
May they find peace and rejoice in the company of Jesus, Mary our Mother, and all the Saints.
Sat | 4:30pm |
Sun | 10:00am |
Mon | No Mass |
Tue | 9:00am |
Wed | 9:00am |
Thu | No Mass |
Fri | 9:00am |