Stained Glass
Upper Clerestory Windows
The upper clerestory windows depict the life of St. Matthew. The top portions of the windows are designed and constructed in the diptych style whereby pairs of windows tell a story when viewed together. The lower portions of each window illustrate important moments in the life of Jesus Christ.
Where applicable, references to Gospel passages have been noted. The story of Ephigenia, Hirtacus, and the martyr of Matthew can be found here.
Christ Calls St. Matthew From
The Annunciation
The Birth of Christ
St. Matthew Has a Banquet for Christ.Matthew 9:10-13 |
The Presentation of
The Flight Into Egypt.
St. Matthew Writes His Gospel. |
Herod's Slaughter of
Jesus Preaches in
Witch Doctors Use Poisonous Snakes
Christ Gives the
Christ Calms the
St. Matthew Heals the Sick Son of a King.Matthew 17:14-16 |
Christ Drives Out the
Christ Raises Lazarus
St. Matthew Places the Veil of
The Holy Family.Matthew 2:19-23 |
St. John at the Jordan.Matthew 3:13-16 |
Baptism of a King and the
Christ’s Miracle
Beheading of
Hirtacus’ Proposal of Marriage is Refused by
Jesus in the
Judas Kisses Christ.Matthew 26:47-56
St. Matthew is Slain At Holy Mass
Christ before Pilate.Matthew 27:11-54 |
Peter Denies Christ.Matthew 26:33-35 |
Hirtacus Seeks Vengeance Against Princess Ephigenia. He Orders Her Killed by Fire.
Crowning of Thorns.Matthew 27:27-29 |
Women at the Tomb.Matthew 28:8 |
Mass Schedule
Fri | 9:00am |
Sat | 4:30pm |
Sun | 10:00am |
Mon | No Mass |
Tue | 9:00am |
Wed | 9:00am |
Thu | No Mass |